Tuesday, February 2, 2010


So as I'm growing nearer to 20 and the break up of my bf who i still care about deeply to this day. He has taught me so many new things that i can apply into my life. THe most important lesson that he has giving me is me learning that if people really are so intrested in my life why not make into a celebrity and have the papparazzi follow me around. So, he taught that if people are really that intrested they would tell you more personally than some sort of way to just connect and just pry into the lives of others. Get real people like I say that we have enough problems of our own that we don't need to know the lives of others. 2) he taught me that even though that people are so called your "friends" then why do they only talk to you when they either need something of you or want something. The one thing I will ever regret is having this man not in my life because as much as i want to learn about everything that is going on around me I should have paid attention to the man that was the wisest in telling all sorts of life lesson that if people would take one second to just see themselves then they would see that the situations that happen in tv are right in front of your eyes. Why are people so infactuated with the lives of others? When you have the exact situation to you and you knew the outcome it just made it seem like the way that it played out was like watching instant replay on your own life. This is why I have just chosen to delete my facebook and myspace I hope that falling under the radar like that is allowing me to figure who I am in the inside because I let too many influences around me let me decided of what not to do or to do it. The only voice that i should have been listening to is my own, but I have no voice, No Opinion, I am lost. This journey that I'm about to embark on is to find myself and find the people who really are here for me and not for the person that is on the internet. Hopefully the connection that I once had with my family will somehow bring a new hope for me and knowing that they are there for me. If anyone wants to know them I have to know that they are real and not some sort of fantasy wanting to come true. Such as the next relationship that I might embark will teach that he is there for me and not for the person that is online or on the phone but that they are real and your able to get to know them on a personal level and you never know if they could be the one that your looking for because I'm sure that the other person on the screen is gonna look a bit more diffrent than what he/she use to look like. Or if the person is even real and not some made up person who can not face their fears head on and take the reward or concequence directly. This option force myself out there but not by some computer screen. So i have ever learned so much about the people I have just met and people who I know for a long time and I am grateful that I got chance to meet them because their wisdom goes far beyond the farthest universe.

Thank you Scott Trindall especially and all I hope for you is that you do find that someone who can give you the world. =D