Wednesday, March 27, 2013


We all go through life,death,heartaches,joys and many more emotions through life. It we all with these life influential feelings in all different ways. I have actually witnessed someone who had so many walls up and have known this person for awhile now. It wasn't until a very tender moment with someone who was able to relate to him on the most tender moment was I able to see the most raw emotions and source of why he had so many guards up. This person is my boyfriend he is a strong minded individual who did not want to show a sign of weakness at all because he felt that all he has is himself. The whole point of this point is that when people who have had something so traumatic happen to himself/herself, they are the ones who may be the most sensitive. The thing is that people like this do not need to feel like this because even with a dark soul people actually has someone who cares about them and are trying to understand him or her to help them out. The idea for humans to help one another in their time of need I would like to say that there is someone out there for you to reach out for I know I am here for you :D

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